Welcome! This is Jailbait in Hotpants! The title is a phrase I used to describe Nightwing's former career as Robin. I am a relatively new comics reader, and as I go along sometimes I read things too hilarious or awesome to not share. So I share them with you, and hope you enjoy!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Batman The Brave and The Bold

If my last rant interested you at all, you can find out more by reading this really awesome blog post entitled:

Sam Register Thinks Your Kids Are Stupid

It explains a lot really. And I share pretty much all of his feelings on the matter.

As soon as I have money I'm going to buy all the Bruce Timm DVDs (Batman the Animated Series, Superman the Animated Series, Justice League, Static Shock and Batman Beyond) just to show these guys that QUALITY animation and story telling sells so much better than the crap they're cranking out now.

Batman The Brave and the Bold. Really? That's what you're following the crap that was The Batman up with? I thought things were supposed to get better with time as we LEARN from our mistakes. Not get worse!

I leave you with this image of the newest WB attempt at Batman.


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