Welcome! This is Jailbait in Hotpants! The title is a phrase I used to describe Nightwing's former career as Robin. I am a relatively new comics reader, and as I go along sometimes I read things too hilarious or awesome to not share. So I share them with you, and hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Welcome to Jailbait in Hotpants

So, I'm a new comic book fan. Though I've been reading manga since middle school, I only got into American comics within the past year. The reason? Where to begin!? When dealing with characters who have existed since the 30s, it's a bit tricky to figure out a starting point. So, most of my exposure has been through oneshots like The Dark Knight Returns and Superman Birthright. But I have started reading some serials like Superman & Batman, Nightwing, and recently Batman & Robin - mainly because these serials started recently enough that starting from the beginning is a reasonable task. I mainly read DC, mostly because I haven't found an easy entrypoint for any Marvel series yet (suggestions are welcome). I would love to read X-Men though if anyone can recommend a good starting point.

Anyway, while reading these comics, especially the Justice League Unlimited comics based on Bruce Timm's series of the same name, I came across many quite humorous, amusing, and "laugh out loud" moments. I started posting these on my personal blog, but then, inspired by my most recent post, I decided to create a separate blog dedicated to those special little moments I came across while reading. I may also, from time to time, include my thoughts on/ review the comics I read.

I hope you enjoy this little journey into the lighter side of the DC universe. Suggestions and submissions are always welcome.

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