Welcome! This is Jailbait in Hotpants! The title is a phrase I used to describe Nightwing's former career as Robin. I am a relatively new comics reader, and as I go along sometimes I read things too hilarious or awesome to not share. So I share them with you, and hope you enjoy!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Queer Heroes the Animated Edition

So sorry I've been away for a while, break's been a doozy. But we'll get to that later. First I wanted to show you a little gem I discovered a while back.

So, in 1992, a comic book was published entitled "The Death of Superman." It was a big deal. In it, Superman dies fighting a big baddie named Doomsday. It launched a series of comics dealing with a series of new "Supermen" who came to take the big blue's place after his untimely demise. Ultimately, Supes survives, making many comic book collectors annoyed because they'd purchased the issue feeling it would become a collector's item which the hero's resurrection made moot.

In 2007, this storyline was loosely adapted into an animated film entitled "Superman Doomsday." Within this 75 minute animated adventure occurs the gayest Lex/Superman moment ever. (okay, to be fair, it's a clone of Superman that Lex has made to replace the real, dead Supes, but let's be honest, that makes it even queerer). I desperately wanted to share this moment with you, but was at a loss at how to, seeing as how it was embeded in a feature length film. Then I discovered that someone on Youtube found it as hilarious as I did and had extracted it from the film. I now wish to share this moment with you here:

Wow. It's every Lex/Clark shipper's dream come true. Fangirls and fanfiction writers, eat your heart out. Later in the film, Lex tells the clone that he's been a naughty boy when he rebells against Lex, in addition to telling the real man of steel to "Come to Daddy."

I just can't decide if the writers knew what they were doing!? I mean, it's kind hard not to take that scene sexually. "you are on the naughty list" "who's your daddy"!? Come on! It's obvious that Lex is lusting after Superman and wants a little bdsm action. And at the same time, I can't decide if the writers knew what they were writing into these iconic characters mouths! In my opinion, this goes way beyond Siver Age Seduction of the Innocent.

What do you think?

One fan took it upon themself to tweak the Timmverse (what fans call the Bruce Timm animated shows which include Batman, Superman, The Justice League, and Batman Beyond) to create Superman and Batman slashy goodness. I thought it was cute, even though it's not official, so here you are. Enjoy.

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