Welcome! This is Jailbait in Hotpants! The title is a phrase I used to describe Nightwing's former career as Robin. I am a relatively new comics reader, and as I go along sometimes I read things too hilarious or awesome to not share. So I share them with you, and hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Superman vs KKK

I learned something really awesome today, Superman helped take down the KKK. The story basically goes like this, a guy named Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the KKK and learned a ton of their passwords, codenames, and hierarchies. He went to the police, but they did jack. So he then took the information to the writers of the raido show Adventures of Superman. They produced a series of episodes where Superman fights and defeats the KKK. The stories were filled with authentic detail. This contributed directly to the fall in popularity of the KKK.

More complete versions of the stories can be found on the World History Blog and the Metroactive Books website (I linked you directly to the articles). Seriously, read them. It's a pretty awesome story. I mean, how often does a comic book superhero get to help defeat real-world villians?

Pretty sweet

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