Welcome! This is Jailbait in Hotpants! The title is a phrase I used to describe Nightwing's former career as Robin. I am a relatively new comics reader, and as I go along sometimes I read things too hilarious or awesome to not share. So I share them with you, and hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Awkward Hilarity

So, today's post is going to be a two parter with tomorrow's post. Both funny moments come from the Superman/Batman Annual 1. This chronicles Superman and Batman's first team up/ meeting each others' secret identities for the first time. I don't think this particular issue is cannon, but it's pretty hilarious anyway. Really, the entire issue is full of awesome comedic gold and random silly bizzare crack, which made it difficult to pick just one moment to share. So I picked two! One from the beginning, and one from the end (the end one you'll see tomorrow).
Oh Clark and Brucie, your awkward bro-we're-totally-straight-manly-men bed sharing moment is truly amusing. Especially since we all know you totally have the hots for each other. Fanfiction never lies right? But what's even more hilarious is the whole "how do I get the other guy to leave so I can secretly put on my spendex to do some super heroics" bit. I love how Bruce is eventually like "fuck this shit, tranqulizers time!" The realization of identities followed by property destruction just seals the deal for me. What a great issue.

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